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Justin Walden

Associate Professor, Communication

Justin Walden

North Dakota State University


What are your primary research and scholarly interests?

I primarily research workplace communication as it relates to employee commitment, job engagement, and employees' understanding of work-life boundaries. My teaching focuses on strategic communication and public relations.

How does this tie into the work you are doing with ND-ACES?

I draw on my research and prior industry experience to guide the ND-ACES communication strategy. I am also developing a research project about STEM educators' understanding of their roles in the STEM field and how peer and occupational-focused communication shapes this understanding.

Where are you from and where did you pursue your education?

Upstate New York. I have a bachelor's degree from the University at Albany (BA), a master's from Syracuse University, and a Ph.D. in Communications from Penn State University.

What excites you about ND EPSCoR?

The opportunities to help transform North Dakota's economy. Having grown up in a Rust Belt city in New York, I know how local economies can struggle to modernize and to adapt to changing markets. We have the opportunity with ND EPSCoR to make an impact on our state—and eventually help patients through our scientists' discoveries.

What motivates you?

Mentoring students in and out of the classroom. I take a lot of pride in teaching and giving my students challenging yet fair opportunities in my classes. Also, I am excited to work on the ND-ACES project because there could be a host of long-term benefits to our state's residents.

If you could time travel, where would you go?

Boston, Mass., May 10, 1970 to see Bobby Orr's flying goal to win that year's Stanley Cup.

If you could have coffee / tea with anyone, who would it be?

Robert Plant. I saw him in a downtown Fargo coffee shop a few years ago and was too starstruck to approach him. I want a do-over on that moment.

What was your first job?

Washing dishes in an Italian restaurant at age 15.

What does your very best day include?

Friends and family gathering in State College, PA for my graduation from Penn State. My wife organized a mini-family reunion for me—and it was a day I won't ever forget.

What's your favorite quote?

I don't have one. Most quotes floating around my head are just lyrics from bands like Rush and Led Zeppelin.

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