NSF Proposal Resubmission Program
The ND EPSCoR State Office’s mission is to support efforts of participating institutions of higher education across the state that result in increased STEM research capacity and competitiveness; a stronger STEM pathway that produces our next generation workforce, educators, and researchers; and, an informed citizenry that values the STEM ecosystem and economy.
To better support researchers in ND to build capacity and competitiveness through National Science Foundation (NSF) awards, a Pilot NSF Proposal Resubmission Program is being launched to provide investigators funds to access resources for improving an already highly-rated proposal for resubmission. The program funds can only be used for unfunded proposal reviews received within the past 6 months. This is a pilot project, subject to demand and measured impact of the investments. We encourage individuals with highly rated but unfunded proposals of all sizes and in all NSF Directorates to apply.
Eligible institutions include: Cankdeska Cikana Community College, Dickinson State University, North Dakota State University, Mayville State University, Minot State University, Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College, Sitting Bull College, Turtle Mountain College, United Tribes Technical College, University of North Dakota, Valley City State University.
Awards will be for up to $9,000. The ND EPSCoR Office will assist in connecting the PI with consultants, an experienced grant writer, and/or other forms of support based on the needs of the PI and their institutional proposal support /research development staff.
To apply, submit the following information through the NDSU Submission Portal. Submissions must include:
PI and key investigator(s) – name and contact information.
Timeline for planned resubmission.
Description of the support requested to develop a competitive resubmission.
List of limitations in original application identified by reviewers.
Complete copy of original proposal.
Copy of all reviews received from the funding agency.
You can find instructions for using InfoReady at this link.
Submissions will be accepted until April 30, 2025. Applications will be evaluated upon submission.
Contact Jim Doolittle at ND EPSCoR (james.doolittle@ndsu.edu) with questions or if assistance is needed in accessing your original proposal information or reviews.