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Logos and graphics for presentations

Right click and choose "Save image as" to download.

CCBSE logo
ND-ACES logo
ND-ACES logo
NSF logo
ND EPSCoR logo with white background
ND EPSCoR logo with white background and no margin
ND EPSCoR logo with full text and border
ND EPSCoR logo with full text and no border

North Dakota science and technology plan

​Click the link to download the file.

photo release forms

​Click the link to download the file.

RCR Training information for Participating Campuses

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) is the practice of scientific investigation with integrity. NSF requires that every student doing RII Track-1 research must take RCR training prior to working on the project. The PI also requires that every faculty member doing RII Track-1 research must also take RCR training to gain firsthand knowledge of what is required of their students. (NSF also requires this training for postdocs; however, there are not postdocs on ND EPSCoR’s NSF RII Track-1 ND-ACES award.) RCR Training is valid for the duration of the award. Required by NSF since 2010 and by the ND University system since 2017, RCR involves the awareness and application of established professional norms and ethical principles in the performance of all activities related to scientific research. RCR is simply good citizenship applied to professional life. According to the ND State Board of Higher Education Policy Manual, Section 410.0, the RCR policy applies to institutions that receive external funding or support for research, with “support” defined to include “nonmonetary provision or access to equipment, supplies, or lab space by paid or unpaid research participants.” RCR encompasses nine areas: 1) research misconduct; 2) human participants; 3) research involving animals; 4) data acquisition, management, sharing, and ownership; 5) mentor/trainee responsibilities; 6) publication practices and responsible authorship; 7) peer review; 8) collaborative science; and 9) conflicts of interest.


Training and Management

All participants will need to load their RCR training certificate of completion to ERcore.


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