The Search Committee for the North Dakota EPSCoR Director position opening invites you to participate in the open forums for the three finalists: Lane Azure, PhD; James Doolittle, PhD; and, Tonya Greywind, EdD. Each candidate will give a 20-minute open forum presentation followed by a 20-minute question-and-answer session.
Lane Azure, Dean of Students, Warwick Public School
Monday, February 10th, 11:15am-Noon, Prairie Room, NDSU Memorial Union, or via Zoom
James Doolittle, Project Administrator and Head of Operations, ND EPSCoR
Wednesday, February 12th, 11:15am-Noon, Prairie Room, NDSU Memorial Union, or via Zoom
Tonya Greywind, Associate Executive Director, Nexus-PATH Family Healing
Friday, February 14th, 11:15am-Noon, Room 103, NDSU Morrill Hall, or via Zoom
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