Combustion and Fuels: Efficient Use (HS)
Fuels are any materials that store potential energy in forms that can be practicably released and
used as heat energy. Learning about fuel burning is relevant during these times of fuel shortage
and the need to save on gas and heating costs. Another important area is the search for alternative
fuels that will help protect the planet and fight against the harmful effects of global climate
change associated with the emission of fuel by-products.
- Students will be able to identify the basic types of fuels.
- Students will be able to predict the environmental consequences of choosing different types of fuels.
- Students will use indirect methods to measure and determine fuel efficiency.
- Students will be able to conduct basic tests to measure composite fuel quality.
High school lesson
time needed
6 hours
Mafany Mongoh
national next gen standards
north dakota standards
9-10.1.1 Explain how models can be used to illustrate scientific principles
9-10.2.1 Explain how scientific investigations can result in new ideas
9-10.2.6 Design and conduct a guided investigation
9-10.2.7 Maintain clear and accurate records of scientific investigations
9-10.2.8 Analyze data found in tables, charts, and graphs to formula conclusions
9-10.6.3 Explain how emerging technologies may impact society and the environment
11-12.1.2 Identify structure, organization, and dynamics of components within a system
11-12.8.1 Identify the criteria that scientific explanations must meet to be considered valid