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Understanding Physical Soil Properties (HS)

Students will study some very important soil properties and characteristics. They will
demonstrate the importance of the ability of soils to perform important ecological functions.


- Name the various materials that comprise soil,
- Understand and identify the various components of the Soil textural Triangle and their usefulness in the ecological functions soil perform on earth.
- Learn basic techniques in determining the particle and bulk density calculations of a soil by direct methods.
- Learn basic techniques in determining the soil water content and its implication on plant growth.
- Demonstrate the ecological function of soils as a natural purifier of contaminated water
- Understand the principles of soil profiles and soil horizons, and basic techniques in profile delineation.


Soil, ecology


High school lesson



time needed

6 hours



national next gen standards

north dakota standards

9-10.1.1 Explain how models can be used to illustrate scientific principles
9-10.2.1 Explain how scientific investigations can result in new ideas
9-10.2.6 Design and conduct a guided investigation
9-10.2.7 Maintain clear and accurate records of scientific investigations
9-10.2.8 Analyze data found in tables, charts, and graphs to formulate conclusions
9-10.6.3 Explain how emerging technologies may impact society and the environment
11-12.1.2 Identify structure, organization, and dynamics of components within a system
11-12.8.1 Identify the criteria that scientific explanations must meet to be considered valid

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