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Solar, Wind, and Hydroelectric Power (HS)

In this lesson, you will explore a method for creating your own solar cell, find a way to measure wind speed and explore the use of wind energy, and create your own hydropower model.


Explore the process involved in a solar cell (or photovoltaic cell).
Create a working solar cell
Investigate how wind energy is used and the devices that harness wind energy
Create an Anemometer to measure wind speed
Explore circular motion and circular speed
Convert units




High school lesson



time needed

6 hours


Mike Brown and Allen Nash

national next gen standards

north dakota standards

9-10.1.2. Describe the interaction of components within a system
9-10.2.1. Explain how scientific investigations can result in new ideas
9-10.2.2. Use appropriate safety equipment and precautions during investigations
9-10.2.6. Design and conduct a guided investigation
9-10.2.7. Maintain clear and accurate records of scientific investigations
9-10.2.8. Analyze data found in tables, charts, and graphs to formulate
9-10.6.1. Use appropriate technologies and techniques to solve a problem
9-10.6.3. Explain how emerging technologies may impact society and the
11-12.2.2. Select and use appropriate instruments, measuring tools, and units of
measure to improve scientific investigations
11-12.2.5. Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and
11-12.6.2. Identify examples of how new technologies advance science

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