Presentation: 2024 ND EPSCoR Annual conference
November 21, 2024, Alerus Center, Grand Forks, North Dakota
Talk to Talon: Enhancing Your Research with AI
Doctoral Student
University of North Dakota
Co-authors: David Apostal, Computational Research Center Instructor, SEECS, UND; Bo Liang, Assistant Professor, SEECS & BME, UND
Poster Session B
Poster #25
Talon is the high-performance computing (HPC) cluster at UND, maintained by the Computational Research Center and available to the entire campus. Talon offers robust computing services and features extensive resources, including CPUs, memory, and GPUs. To help students, faculty, and staff across the North Dakota University System from diverse backgrounds utilize Talon more effectively for their research, we developed a prototype artificial-intelligence-powered chatbot, Talk2Talon, specifically tailored for Talon users. The chatbot was designed using Microsoft’s Azure platform, leveraging the visual interface and tools of Azure AI Studio, particularly the Prompt Flow tool. By designing targeted prompts, we adapted a general large language model to provide services specific to HPC needs. The development of this AI chatbot marks a significant step toward making HPC more accessible and user-friendly, fostering an environment of enhanced productivity and innovation. This poster will present the design principles, development process, and initial outcomes of the chatbot.
The ND-ACES NSF Track-1 cooperative agreement is a federal-state partnership to manage a comprehensive research development plan. ND EPSCoR manages the Track-1 award. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Current funding is provided by the State of North Dakota and NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-1 (RII Track-1) Cooperative Agreement Award OIA #1946202.