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CMS Sitting Bull College Welcomes President Phillips

2/23/24, 2:45 PM

Sitting Bull College (SBC) is a Tribal College located on the Standing Rock Nation. Standing Rock uniquely covers areas in southern North Dakota and northern South Dakota and spans about 2,275,000 acres.

Sitting Bull College (SBC) is a Tribal College located on the Standing Rock Nation. Standing Rock uniquely covers areas in southern North Dakota and northern South Dakota and spans about 2,275,000 acres. The region is known for ranching and dryland farming. SBC is committed to providing excellence in academic, career, and technical education while keeping up with current and future workforce needs. The college draws inspiration from its namesake, Chief Sitting Bull's vision, and focuses on building intellectual capital to drive economic and social development rooted in the Lakȟóta / Dakhóta culture and values.

Sitting Bull College, formerly known as Standing Rock Community College, was established on September 21, 1973, and is one of the nation's first tribal colleges. SBC's mission revolves around students and their communities, showcasing a dedication to education, overall growth, and the preservation of the Lakȟóta / Dakhóta culture. The college is authorized to grant Certificate through Master's levels degrees. SBC is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), ND Career and Technical Education, and is a member of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) and the North Dakota Tribal College System (NDTCS).

SBC is currently celebrating its 50th Anniversary as an education institution serving the higher education needs of the Standing Rock Nation. SBC is also welcoming incoming President Dr. Tomi Kay Phillips, a US Army Veteran, Bush Fellow, and life long educator.

President Phillips, Lakȟóta name Cante Wakan Win (Sacred Heart Woman), has spent the majority of her life residing on Standing Rock. Her teaching background spans various settings, including inner-city schools, rural public schools, and tribal schools. In terms of administration, she has worked in public school systems, the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) and Tribal Grant school systems, as well as a private school on Standing Rock. President Phillips aims to be a positive force for change, advocating for education at Sitting Bull College. She wants to inspire the local communities, particularly the youth, to see success as attainable in their chosen paths.

After nearly 30 years as a teacher and school  administrator, Dr. Phillips said she fully understands the importance of how education can offer more choices for not only children but the citizens of Standing Rock. She plans to be a voice for education at Sitting Bull College for the Standing Rock Nation. She wants the tribe's children to see people who look like them, inspiring them to do well in whatever they choose in life.

The staff of the ND EPSCoR Office, along with all of the participants in the NSF EPSCoR Track-1 ND-ACES project, welcome President Phillips with a good heart and a handshake. We are excited about our future growth with SBC and remain dedicated to achieving equitable opportunities and access for all. We wish you all the best in your new leadership role, President Phillips!

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