Intelligent Computing Circuits and Systems (HS)
In this lesson, we will design an intelligent weather station which can show real-time temperature and
humidity, as well as display. Over the course of this lesson, students will be introduced the embedded
system platform and its working principle, work on the embedded programming, and learn important
techniques to gather, process, and display sensor data.
By creating a simple Weather Station with Raspberry Pi, students will learn:
1. Embedded system platform and principal
2. Basic embedded programming
3. Sensor data collection
4. Design loops to continuously detect inputs from multiple sensors
5. Process data received from sensors into a meaningful form
6. Display the results in real time
Programming, technology
High school lesson from Sunday Academy
time needed
6 hours
Sunday Academy
national next gen standards
north dakota standards
9-10.6.1. Use appropriate technologies and techniques to solve a problem (e.g., computer-assisted tools,
Internet, research skills)
9-10.6.2. Explain how scientific principles have been used to create common technologies (e.g.,
household appliances, automotive parts, agricultural equipment, textiles, fabrics, computers, Internet
resources, CD-ROMs)
11-12.6.1 Select and use appropriate technologies, tools, and techniques to solve a problem
(e.g., computer-assisted tools, Internet, research skills, CBL, graphing calculators)
11-12.6.2 Identify examples of how new technologies advance science