Sustainable Energy Cities (HS)
With our changing planet, we need to adapt, grow, and produce different types of energy sources that not only benefit ourselves but our planet itself. In this lesson, students will do the following:
-go on a webquest to do research on the different types of sustainable energy resources
-create and design a creative city with different energy resources available to the current population’s needs
-make a 3D city using recyclable materials to model different types of sustainable energy and where they can be implemented within cities.
• Understand how renewable energy resources are used
• Identify the advantages and disadvantages of different energy sources
• To determine how to build and design a renewable city
• Identify different types of renewable energy resources
• Determine what energy source is most beneficial to a region
Renewable energy, sustainability
High school lesson
time needed
national next gen standards
north dakota standards
9-12.2.2 Select and use appropriate instruments, measuring tools, and units of measure to improve scientific investigation.
9-12.2.3 Use data from scientific investigations to accept or reject a hypothesis
9-12.2.4 Formulate and revise explanations based upon scientific knowledge and experimental data
9-12.2.5 Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications
9-12.2.8 Communicate and defend a scientific argument
9-12.5.3 Explain the short-term and long-term effects of chemical processes on the environment and society
9-12.6.2 Identify examples of how new technologies advance science
9-12.6.3 Explain how designing and implementing technology requires weighing trade-offs between positive and negative impacts on humans and the environment
9-12.7.1 Explain the impact of environmental laws and policies on the environment and society
9-12.7.2 Explain ways renewable and nonrenewable resources are managed
9-12.7.3 Explain the economic and social impact of using alternative energy resources
9-12.7.4 Explain how science and technology can influence personal, industrial, and cultural decision-making