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TCU Pilot Pillar

The TCU Pilot Pillar under the NSF Track I: ND-ACES program includes various changes aimed at enhancing research and STEM education for Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) and their students. These changes involve efforts to improve access to professional development opportunities, create peer mentoring programs, address instructor shortages, and revise the NATURE program to better support TCUs and tribal communities. Additionally, the program aims to incorporate more culturally relevant topics and activities, expand leadership and programming support, and provide more opportunities for TCU NATURE participants to develop fundamental skills in STEM and research.

TCU Pilot Pillar components include:

  • Making a more intentional effort to reach TCU students to ensure access to the ND-ACES professional development/training opportunities for undergrad and graduate participants.

  • Exploring the enhancement of research and STEM skills and education by potentially supporting one or more TCUs in creating a peer mentoring program or including more TCU students as mentors at the various camps and activities and those who have prior experience with posters or talks at conferences.

  • Exploring the possibility of graduate students teaching at TCUs (STEM TA program) to help alleviate the instructor shortages and create a better understanding of tribal communities and cultures within the research and STEM fields.

  • Incorporating a pilot A Walk in a Graduate Student’s Shoes (WGSS): A Travelling Science Café and Graduate Visitation Program where TCU students can learn what graduate school is like and why students choose to go to graduate school from the perspective of current graduate students.

  • Revision of budgets to better support the TCU NATURE Coordinators.

  • Developing a mentorship program for programming.

  • Discontinuing the Bridge Program and reassess the need for a possible revised program for future funding opportunities.

  • Reflecting, assessing, and revising NATURE and launching a re-envisioned NATURE program: “NATURE 2.0” for the next phase to grow and strengthen partnerships and to expand potential opportunities for TCUs and their students.

A student at University Summer Camp

The Center for Cellular Biointerfaces in Science and Engineering (CCBSE) is supported by ND-ACES: New Discoveries in the Advanced Interface of Computation, Engineering, and Science, ND EPSCoR’s most recent NSF cooperative agreement (award number 1946202), and is a five-year cooperative agreement that carries an 80/20% federal/state cost sharing.

The ND-ACES Principal Investigator (PI) and Project Director (PD) is Colleen Fitzgerald, Ph.D.; NDSU. The Co-PI is Scott Snyder, Ph.D.; UND.

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