Colors and Light (HS)
You will examine the relationship between color and light. You will find out that mixing colors isn’t as straight forward as it sounds. You will understand the answer to a question that most people, probably including your parents, don’t know the answer to. And, you will even discover a connection between colors and climate change!
- To learn about the electromagnetic spectrum
- To understand how additive and subtractive color mixing are different
- To discover the relationships between colors and temperature
- To become familiar with applications of chromatography
- To build and use a simple spectroscope
- To answer the question “Why is the sky blue?”
Color, light
High school lesson
time needed
6 hours
national next gen standards
north dakota standards
11-12.2.2 Select and use appropriate instruments, measuring tools, and units of measure to improve scientific investigations
11-12.2.4 Formulate and revise explanations based upon scientific knowledge and experimental data
11-12.2.5 Use technology and mathematics to improve investigations and communications
11-12.3.11 Explain how energy is related to physical changes of matter (e.g., phase changes, temperature changes)
11-12.6.1 Select and use appropriate technologies, tools, and techniques to solve a problem (e.g., computer-assisted tools, Internet, research skills, CBL, graphing calculators)
11-12.6.2 Identify examples of how new technologies advance science