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Still Floating (MS-HS)

Students will learn the principles that cause some objects to float and other objects to sink. The mathematics and science of floating will be explored. Methods of conducting some experiments and data analysis will be introduced. Real-life examples such as ships, boats, and canoes will be related. Concepts of density, buoyancy, and Archimedes’ principle will be the focus.


Objectives of this session include learning
1. the concept of density and how it influences floating,
2. buoyancy and Archimedes’ principles,
3. the importance of experimental studies and skills,
4. the skills for data analysis and presentation, and
5. the connection between the topic and real-life engineering designs.




Middle and high school lesson from Sunday Academy



time needed

6 hours


Eugene Lehr, Heather Marxen, G. Padmanabhan, and Frank Martin

national next gen standards

north dakota standards

9-10.2.2.Use appropriate safety equipment and precautions during investigations
9-10.2.3. Identify questions and concepts that guide scientific investigations
9-10.2.7.Maintain clear and accurate records of scientific investigations
9-10.2.8.Analyze data found in tables, charts, and graphs to formulate conclusions
11-12.3.8.Identify the principles and relationships influencing forces and motion

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